'공부하다'에 해당되는 글 34건
- 2010.07.15 [오늘의 논문] Making Love in the Network Closet: The Benefits and Work of Family Videochat
- 2010.07.14 싸구려 논문 1
- 2010.07.08 [오늘의 논문] Towards an Understanding of Macrocognition in Teams
- 2010.07.07 [오늘의 논문] More on Kennedy & McComb (2010)
- 2010.07.02 [오늘의 논문] Team Mental Model Convergence-
- 2010.06.26 의지하다
- 2010.05.21 Jeff Hawkins on How Brain Science Will Change Computers
- 2010.05.07 Acknowledgement, from Ben Shaw's dissertation. 5
- 2010.05.04 Jeff Hawkins on TED
- 2009.06.28 A peaceful working Saturday 2
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[오늘의 논문] Towards an Understanding of Macrocognition in Teams
공부하다 2010. 7. 8. 00:16 |Fiore, S. M., Smith-Jentsch, K. A., Salas, E., Warner, N., & Letsky, M. (2010). Towards an understanding of macrocognition in teams: developing and defining complex collaborative processes and products. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 11(4), 250-271.
One of the significant challenges for the burgeoning field of macrocognition is the development of more sophisticated models that are able to adequately explain and predict complex cognitive processes. This is even more critical when specifying research questions involving cognition unfolding across interacting individuals, that is, macrocognition in teams. In this article, we provide a foundation for developing a model of macrocognition focusing on collaborating problem-solving teams with a measurement framework for studying macrocognitive processes in this context.
We first discuss an important set of key assumptions from team measurement theory that form a critical foundation for this model. We then describe the core definitions we suggest are foundational to the conceptualization of macrocognition in teams. We conclude with a description of the key dimensions and subcomponents of our model in order to lay the foundation for a principled approach to measuring and understanding macrocognition in teams.
확실히 이 저널은 theoretical issues, 를 다루다 보니 원론적인 논문들이 주를 이룬다.
이건 매크로코그니션, 의 컨셉 자체를 정리해주는 페이퍼구나.
2004년에 나온 Team Cognition 책의 에디터들, 닥터 피오레와 살라스 두 분이 다 저자로 이름을 올렸다.
교수님이 이 저널은 HF에 비해 세컨 티어고, 아무래도 내 리뷰는 이론적인 이야기가 될 것 같으니
리뷰 논문은 여길 고려해보는 게 좋을 것 같다 그러셨는데,
세컨 티어라는 저널에도 큰 이름들 뿐이라, 아무래도 위축되는 기분은 어쩔 수가 없군.
오늘은 transcription 할 게 많은 관계로, 대강 훑어보고 킨들에 넣어둬야겠다.
내일 운전하면서 text-to-speech로 들어야지. :-)
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